Monday, October 10, 2011

Your thoughts on this article regarding Illegals in Alabama

I read this article and had many thoughts, mostly that these parents need to take responsibility for their illegal actions over the years. There are consequences for breaking the law. What do you think?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I didn't pay much attention to the Casey Anthony case and trial. I felt that it is what it is, another young mother not wanting the responsibility of taking care of the beautiful child they brought into the world and the facts show the horror of the result of that.
But I am watching the parents being interviewed by Dr. Phil and I get it...I get where her mother is at. What mother doesn't want to believe the best about their children...even this daughter! She is trying to cope with a horribly traumatic situation, she no doubt is blaming herself for much of it...that's what mothers do.
There is nothing that can be done about the verdict that came for Casey Anthony, justice has spoken and I give Mrs. Anthony my full support for however she needs to see this in order to cope with it.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thoughts on paper

No, I don't mean I want to talk about "paper".  I want to put my thoughts here on this cyber paper.  I've been reading another's blog and find it very compelling to have somewhere to put my thoughts where others can comment on them or might even find them interesting.  We shall see how this goes.
I find that when I take my thoughts out of my head and write them down, they are much more manageable.  Why is that?  Shouldn't my brain, which has, who knows how many gigs of memory be able to manage all my thoughts without overwhelming me?  Just sayin'...........

Today is the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  America has never been the same since that day.  That day was our wake up call.  Unfortunately, the sleeping giant in us, only stayed awake for a few weeks, or maybe for some it was longer but then for the most part we went back to our little corner of the "ring" and went back to sleep. Any attempt to get our attention during the presidential election of 2008 was met with the attitude of "leave me alone, I'm trying to sleep". As a result of our complacency and laziness and lack of good judgement we are living with an executive branch in our government that is throwing the America we love away...yes, wadding us up and tossing everything we stand for and have been blessed with into the garbage heap.

We aren't sleeping very well these days though.  We are restless, our nation is in much turmoil and we are becoming annoyed and even frightened out of our sleep.  We are awake now, and seeing the destruction that has already occurred and now what?  Well, we did attend to our duties in the elections of our representatives in 2010.  Oh yes, we felt empowered for a little while, we flexed our muscles at the polls and made a difference with our votes.

My fellow Americans, I plead with you, do not go back to sleep!  Freedom is not FREE.  We must take up our love, our loyalty, and our will for our precious America to preserve everything that was won for us through the shed blood of our countrymen since the American Revolution.  It will all be lost if we do not stay vigilant to guard her and support her and protect the freedoms that she holds for us.  Our America is worth it!     Sincerely yours,  Secret Pal

The Lord said in II Chronicles 7:14-16:  "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place.
I have chosen and consecrated this place so that my NAME may be there forever.  My eyes and my heart will always be there.